Brunette woman with long shiny wavy hair

Refreshing Spray

  • Refreshing anti-sleepiness peppermint moisturizing spray

    Refreshing anti-sleepiness peppermint moisturizing spray

    A refreshing anti-sleepiness spray made with peppermint essence to keep you awake and energized.

    If you have a long driving, you may need it.

    If you need to study for a whole night, you may need it.

    If you have an important meeting but did not sleep well, you may need it.

    With the natural mint extract ingredient, when we spray our refreshing spray, we will wake up right away. Refuse to be sleepy.

  • Refreshing anti-sleepiness peppermint moisturizing spray

    Refreshing anti-sleepiness peppermint moisturizing spray

    A refreshing anti-sleepiness spray made with peppermint essence to keep you awake and energized

    1. Mint essence is used to cool and dissipate heat

    2. It has a certain moisturizing effect

    3. Used for children to study, go to work and have meetings, drive long distance outdoors, stay up late and work overtime. Improve the efficiency of work and study.
